Main Window

Main Window of the Chess GUI

Main Window

The main Window consists of 4 parts:

  • On the left, the game board with the material and next turn labels. The next turn may 4 colors white, black, red (mate), yellow (draw)

  • On the right, the TAB widget with the

    • Game tree widget displaying the body of the actual game

    • Headers list widget displaying the header of the actual game

    • Database list widget displaying all loaded games

    • Score plot displaying engine and material scores

    • Log edit displaying communication with the engine in use

  • On the bottom, the status bar with the labels

    • info/error displaying information or errors

    • engine displaying the engine in use

    • hint/score displaying the hint and score computed by the engine

    • ECO code displaying the eco code of the current opening, the hint shows the full opening string

    • square displaying the square under the cursor within the board

Main Window Menu

On the top, the menu with

  • File menu handling files in the Portable Game Notation (PGN) and pickled PGN (PPNG) formats

    • Encoding sub-menu to set encoding for opening/saveing PNG-format

    • Open DB … action to open a PPGN- or PGN-file and replace the current database

    • Recent sub-menu with the recent PPGN- or PGN-files

    • Append to DB … action to open a PPGN- or PGN-file and append to the current database

    • Save DB … action to save the whole database as a PPGN- or PGN-file

    • Save Game … action to save the actual game as a PGN-file

    • Exit action to terminate the GUI

  • Edit menu with obvious functionality with the exception of

    • Copy Game, i.e. the actual game PGN is copied to the clipboard

    • Copy FEN, i.e. the actual position is copied to the clipboard

    • Promote/Demote Variant promote/demote the variant selected in the Game TAB

    • Promote Variant to Main promote the variant selected in the Game TAB to mainline

    • Delete Variant delete the variant selected in the Game TAB

    • Undo Current Action deletes the end move of a sequence (main line or variant)

  • Database menu with obvious functionality with the exception of

    • Remove Games removes selected games in the Database TAB

    • Move Games>Up/Down moves a selected game up and down in the Database

    • Paste Game, i.e. the actual game PGN from the clipboard and added to the Database

    • Paste FEN, i.e. the actual position is pasted from the clipboard and added to the Database

  • Game menu with obvious functionality with the exception of

    • Select Header Elements … opens a dialog to add/remove header elements according to the PGN standard

    • Show Move Options shows by left-button selecting a square the weighted options

    • Warn of Danger shows squares attacked by the opponent

  • Engine menu for handling Universal Chess Interface (UCI) engines with

    • Select Engine sub-menu to select the engine for hints/scores and annotations

    • Search Depth sub-menu to set the search depth of the selected engine

    • Score Current Move annotates the move leading to actual position

    • Annotate All annotates the actual game or variant

    • # Annotations defines the number of variants to be suggested in case of a blunder

    • Blunder Limit defines the limit to add a variant

    • Annotate Variants defines the number of half moves (PLY) to be shown in variants

    • Show Scores toggle actions enables the score part of the hint/score label of the status bar

    • Show Hints toggle actions enables the hint part of the hint/score label of the status bar

    • Configure … opens a dialog to add/remove/configure engines

    • Debug logs the communication with engine in the Log TAB

Keyboard and Mouse Contol

To allow for a user-friendly usage, the game can be controlled by keyboard and/or mouse:

Game Control by Keyboard/Mouse/Mouse Wheel





up | scroll-up

goto last move

down | scroll-down

goto next move


step into variant


step out of a variant


goto initial move


goto end-of-game


begin move


end move


promote variant


demote variant


remove variant


promote variant to mainline


toggle warn of danger

In addition, several standard key strokes are supported:

Other Key-Codes




undo last move


flip board


copy game (PGN) to clipboard


paste game (PGN) from clipboard


copy position (FEN) to clipboard


paste position (FEN) from clipboard

class chessMainWindow.ChessMainWindow(parent=None)[source]
__init__(parent=None) None[source]
closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)[source]
wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)[source]
class chessMainWindow.MzClassApplication(argv: ~typing.List[str], notifyFct: ~typing.Callable[[str], None] = <built-in function print>)[source]
__init__(argv: ~typing.List[str], notifyFct: ~typing.Callable[[str], None] = <built-in function print>) None[source]
notify(self, QObject, QEvent) bool[source]