
Build FEN Window

The FEN-Builder is an extra tool which can be started from the main window of the chess GUI. It allows to populate all items of the position by using the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN). It consists of 7 parts:

  • Board displaying the current position

  • Pieces displaying the pieces to be placed and the X piece for deletion

  • Next to Move indicating the next player to move

  • Castling indicating the rights to castle

  • En Passant displaying the target square of an en passant move

  • Move indicating the number of full-moves of the current game

  • Clock indicating the number of half-moves since the last capture or pawn advance, see fifty-move rule (FMR)

class qbuildfen.BuildFenClass(parent=None)[source]

The chessboard is based on Qt’s QGraphicsView.

__init__(parent=None) None[source]
class qbuildfen.ChessGroupBox(parent=None)[source]
__init__(parent=None) None[source]
class qbuildfen.SelectionBox(parent=None)[source]
__init__(parent=None) None[source]
class qbuildfen.PlacementBoard(parent=None)[source]
__init__(parent=None) None[source]
class qbuildfen.MzClassApplication(argv: ~typing.List[str], notifyFct: ~typing.Callable[[str], None] = <built-in function print>)[source]
__init__(argv: ~typing.List[str], notifyFct: ~typing.Callable[[str], None] = <built-in function print>) None[source]
notify(self, QObject, QEvent) bool[source]