Source code for gametreeview

'''Game Editor
The *game* editor is based on Qt's QTreeWidget. 

Since Qt's QTreeWidget does not fit the tree representing the Portable Game Notation (PGN), i.e.

 * *n* variations per move supported
 * the main (first) variation is privileged.

This behavior is implemented using 2 types of lines:

 * regular moves where all columns have a white background
 * beginning of a variation marked with a green cross

The tree widget has 4 colums:

 #. *Move* shows the actual move or the beginning of a variation in SAN notation 
 #. *Ann* shows the annotation, i.e. a symbolic move assessment
 #. *Pos* shows the position assessment
 #. *Score* shows the engine or material score [centipawn] of the last move, material score ending with M
 #. *Comment* shows either the move comment or starting comment of a variation
By clicking the annotation (*Ann*) and position assessment (*Pos*) fields, a popup dialog
opens which allows to change the contents   

.. |GameEditor| image:: gameEditor.png
  :width: 800
  :alt: Game Editor
from typing import Optional, Set

import sys,  os.path
import copy
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
import MzChess

if MzChess.useQt5():
 from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
 from PyQt6 import QtWidgets, QtGui,  QtCore

import chess, chess.pgn
from chessengine import PGNEval_REGEX
from specialDialogs import ButtonLine, TextEdit, treeWidgetItemPos

[docs]class GameTreeView(QtWidgets.QTreeWidget): '''Game Editor object ''' itemFlags = QtCore.Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsSelectable inactiveBrush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor('lightgray')) colorChars = ('black', 'white') endGameSymbols = ['1-0', '0-1', '1/2-1/2', '*'] endGameDescription = { '1-0' : 'White wins', '0-1' : 'Black wins', '1/2-1/2' : 'Drawn game', '*' : 'game in progress' } annotationSymbols = ['', '!', '?', '!!', '??', '!?', '?!'] positionSymbols = { '' : 0, '=' : 10, '~' : 13, '+=' : 14, '=+' : 15, '+/-' : 16, '-/+' : 17, '+-' : 18, '-+' : 19, '+--' : 20, '-++' : 21 } symbolDescription = { '' : 'null annotation', '!' : 'good move', '?' : 'poor move', '!!' : 'brilliant move', '??' : 'blunder', '!?' : 'intesting move', '?!' : 'dubious move', '=' : 'even position', '~' : 'unclear position', '+=' : 'slight advantage for white', '=+' : 'slight advantage for black', '+/-' : 'moderate advantage for white', '-/+' : 'moderate advantage for black', '+-' : 'decisive advantage for white', '-+' : 'decisive advantage for white', '+--' : 'white should resign', '-++' : 'black should resign' }
[docs] def __init__(self, parent = None) -> None: super(GameTreeView, self).__init__(parent) cross16x16File = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'pieces', 'cross16x16.ico') self.crossIcon = QtGui.QIcon(cross16x16File) self.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior.SelectRows) self.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode.SingleSelection) self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal = None self.notifyGameNodeChangedSignal = None self._clear() self.setColumnCount(5) self.setHeaderLabels(['Move', 'Ann', 'Pos', 'Score', 'Comment']) headerItem = self.headerItem() headerItem.setToolTip(0, 'SAN notation') headerItem.setToolTip(1, 'Move assessments') headerItem.setToolTip(2, 'Positional assessments') headerItem.setToolTip(3, 'Score [centipawn] (<int>M == material score)') headerItem.setToolTip(4, 'Comment of move or variation') self._resetColumnWidth() self.clicked.connect(self.on_clicked) self.itemExpanded.connect(self.on_itemExpanded) self.annotationLine = ButtonLine(self.annotationSymbols, hintDict = self.symbolDescription, pointSize = 12, title = 'Move Annotation', parent = self) self.positionLine = ButtonLine(self.positionSymbols, hintDict = self.symbolDescription, pointSize = 12, title = 'Position', parent = self) self.endGameLine = ButtonLine(self.endGameSymbols, hintDict = self.endGameDescription, title = 'End Game', pointSize = 12, parent = self) self.commentEdit = TextEdit('Comment ...', pointSize = 10)
def _resetColumnWidth(self) -> None: test = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.zeroWidth = test.fontMetrics().size(QtCore.Qt.TextFlag.TextSingleLine, '0').width() # self.setColumnWidth(1, 20*zeroWidth) self.depth = 0 self.setColumnWidth(0, 15*self.zeroWidth) self.setColumnWidth(1, 4*self.zeroWidth) self.setColumnWidth(2, 8*self.zeroWidth) self.setColumnWidth(3, 8*self.zeroWidth) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem) def on_itemExpanded(self, widgetItem): depth = -1 while widgetItem is not None: depth +=1 widgetItem = widgetItem.parent() self.setColumnWidth(0, (depth*4 + 15)*self.zeroWidth) def _clear(self) -> None: = None self.gameNodeList = list() self.gameItemList = list() self.gameVariantNodeList = list() self.gameVariantItemList = list() super(GameTreeView, self).clear()
[docs] def setup(self, notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal : Optional[QtCore.pyqtSignal], notifyGameNodeChangedSignal : Optional[QtCore.pyqtSignal]) -> None: '''Set up of the game editor :param notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal: signal to be emitted if a game node is selected :param notifyGameNodeChangedSignal: signal to be emitted if the loaded game is changed ''' self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal = notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal self.notifyGameNodeChangedSignal = notifyGameNodeChangedSignal
def getGameNode(self, item : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem): index = self.gameNodeList.index(item) return self.gameNodeList[index]
[docs] def addVariant(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode) -> None: '''Adds a new variant, parent node must exist in the editor :param gameNode: game node to be added (must not be main_variation !!) ''' if gameNode is None or gameNode in self.gameVariantNodeList: return if gameNode.parent not in self.gameNodeList: raise ValueError('Parent Node {} not found'.format(gameNode.parent)) if gameNode.is_main_variation(): raise ValueError('Node {} is not a variant'.format(gameNode)) parent = gameNode.parent.variations[0] parentIndex = self.gameNodeList.index(parent) parentItem = self.gameItemList[parentIndex] newVariant = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem() newVariant.setIcon(0, self.crossIcon) for column in range(1, 4): newVariant.setBackground(column, self.inactiveBrush) newVariant.setFlags(self.itemFlags) board = gameNode.parent.board() san = board.san(gameNode.move) if board.turn: moveText = '{}.{}'.format(board.fullmove_number, san) else: moveText = '... {}'.format(san) newVariant.setText(0, '{} ...'.format(moveText)) newVariant.setText(4, gameNode.starting_comment) parentItem.addChild(newVariant) self.gameVariantNodeList.append(gameNode) self.gameVariantItemList.append(newVariant) self.addGameNodes(gameNode, parentItem = newVariant)
[docs] def addGameNodes(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode, parentItem : Optional[QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem] = None) -> None: '''Adds 1 or more nodes, parent node of first node must exist in the editor :param gameNode: game node to be added (must be main_variation !!) :param parentItem: parent item of the gameNode (used only for internal use) ''' if gameNode is None: return if isinstance(gameNode, chess.pgn.Game): self.setGame(gameNode) return if gameNode.parent not in self.gameNodeList: raise ValueError('Parent Node {} not found'.format(gameNode.parent)) parent = gameNode.parent if parentItem is None: if gameNode in self.gameNodeList: return if not gameNode.is_main_variation(): raise ValueError('Node {} is not in the main variation'.format(gameNode)) parentIndex = self.gameNodeList.index(parent) parentItem = self.gameItemList[parentIndex] if parentItem != self.gameItemList[0]: parentItem = parentItem.parent() board = gameNode.parent.board() while gameNode is not None: newNode = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem() newNode.setFlags(self.itemFlags) parent = gameNode.parent san = board.san(gameNode.move) if board.turn: moveText = '{}.{}'.format(board.fullmove_number, san) else: moveText = '... {}'.format(san) newNode.setText(0, moveText) newNode.setText(1, self._findNAGSymbol (True, gameNode)) newNode.setText(2, self._findNAGSymbol (False, gameNode)) comment = gameNode.comment comment = comment.replace('\n','\\n') if board.is_checkmate(): scoreText = 'MATE' elif board.is_stalemate(): scoreText = 'SMATE' else: scoreText = None while True: match = if match is None: break if == '%' or == '%eval': scoreText = comment = comment.replace(,'') if scoreText is None: pieceMap = gameNode.board().piece_map() pawnScore = 0 for piece in list(pieceMap.values()): if piece.piece_type != chess.KING: if piece.color == chess.WHITE: pawnScore += MzChess.piecePawnScoreDict[piece.piece_type] else: pawnScore -= MzChess.piecePawnScoreDict[piece.piece_type] scoreText = '{}M'.format(pawnScore) newNode.setText(3, scoreText) newNode.setText(4, comment) parentItem.addChild(newNode) self.gameNodeList.append(gameNode) self.gameItemList.append(newNode) for variantNode in parent.variations[1:]: self.addVariant(variantNode) board.push(gameNode.move) gameNode =
def removeGameNode(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode) -> None: if not gameNode.is_end() or gameNode.parent is None or gameNode not in self.gameNodeList: return index = self.gameNodeList.index(gameNode) self.gameItemList[index].parent().removeChild(self.gameItemList[index]) self.gameNodeList.pop(index) self.gameItemList.pop(index)
[docs] def setGameResult(self, result : str) -> None: '''Sets the 'Result' header element :param result: one out of *1-0*, *0-1*, *1/2-1/2*, *\** ''' gameResult = ["1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2", "*"] if result not in gameResult: result = gameResult[3] if len(self.gameItemList) > 0: self.gameItemList[0].setText(0, 'Result: {}'.format(result))
[docs] def setGame(self, game : chess.pgn.Game) -> None: '''Clears the editor and sets new game :param game: game to be set ''' self._clear() = game master = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem() master.setFlags(self.itemFlags) master.setText(4, self.addTopLevelItem(master) self.gameNodeList = [] self.gameItemList = [master] self.setGameResult(['Result']) self.addGameNodes(, master) master.setExpanded(True)
[docs] def selectNodeItem(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode) -> None: '''Selects a game node :param gameNode: game node to be selected ''' if gameNode not in self.gameNodeList: selIndex = 0 else: selIndex = self.gameNodeList.index(gameNode) if selIndex > 0: self.expandItem(self.gameItemList[selIndex]) self.setCurrentItem(self.gameItemList[selIndex], 0, QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.SelectCurrent)
[docs] def selectSubnodeItem(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode, next : bool = True): '''Selects the next or previous variant :param gameNode: reference game node :param next: if True select the next variant, else select previous variant ''' if gameNode not in self.gameNodeList: raise ValueError('selectSubnodeItem/gameNode: {} not found'.format(gameNode)) parentNode = gameNode.parent if parentNode is None: return if not next: # go back to the first variation newNodeIndex = parentNode.variations.index(gameNode) - 1 if newNodeIndex >= 0: self.selectNodeItem(parentNode.variations[newNodeIndex]) else: # go to next variation newNodeIndex = parentNode.variations.index(gameNode) + 1 if newNodeIndex < len(parentNode.variations): selIndex = self.gameNodeList.index(gameNode) self.expandItem(self.gameItemList[selIndex]) newGameNode = parentNode.variations[newNodeIndex] self.selectNodeItem(newGameNode) self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal.emit(newGameNode)
def _findNAGSymbol(self, isAnnotation : bool, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode) -> str: if isAnnotation: for nag, sym in enumerate(self.annotationSymbols): if nag in gameNode.nags: return sym else: for sym, nag in self.positionSymbols.items(): if nag in gameNode.nags: return sym def _updateNAGs(self, isAnnotation : bool, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode, nag : int) -> Set[int]: newNAGs = set() if nag != 0: if isAnnotation: r = range(1, 10) else: r = range(10, 140) for _nag in gameNode.nags: if _nag not in r: newNAGs .add(_nag) newNAGs .add(nag) return newNAGs def _editComment(self, item : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem) -> str: self.commentEdit.setText(item.text(4).replace('\\n','\n')) if not self.commentEdit.exec(): return None comment = self.commentEdit.text().replace('\n','\\n') item.setText(4, comment) score = item.text(3) if len(score) > 0 and score[-1] != 'M': comment = '[%eval {}] {}'.format(score, comment) return comment @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QModelIndex) def on_clicked(self, index): item = self.itemFromIndex(index) column = index.column() if item in self.gameVariantItemList: if column == 4: selIndex = self.gameVariantItemList.index(item) gameNode = self.gameVariantNodeList[selIndex] attr = 'starting_comment' oldAttrValue = gameNode.starting_comment gameNode.starting_comment = self._editComment(item) else: if column == 0 and self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal is not None: selIndex = self.gameVariantItemList.index(item) gameNode = self.gameVariantNodeList[selIndex] self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal.emit(gameNode) return else: if item in self.gameItemList: selIndex = self.gameItemList.index(item) gameNode = self.gameNodeList[selIndex] else: return if column == 0: if gameNode is None: self.endGameLine.setFocus('*') self.endGameLine.move(treeWidgetItemPos(item)) endGameID = self.endGameLine.exec()['Result'] = self.endGameSymbols[endGameID] item.setText(column, self.endGameSymbols[endGameID]) else: if self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal is not None: self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal.emit(gameNode) return elif column == 1: self.annotationLine.move(treeWidgetItemPos(item)) attr = 'nags' oldAttrValue = copy.copy(gameNode.nags) nag = self.annotationLine.exec() gameNode.nags = self._updateNAGs(True, gameNode, nag) item.setText(column, self._findNAGSymbol (True, gameNode)) elif column == 2: self.positionLine.move(treeWidgetItemPos(item)) attr = 'nags' oldAttrValue = copy.copy(gameNode.nags) nag = self.positionLine.exec() gameNode.nags = self._updateNAGs(True, gameNode, nag) item.setText(column, self._findNAGSymbol (False, gameNode)) elif column == 4: attr = 'comment' oldAttrValue = gameNode.comment gameNode.comment = self._editComment(item) else: return if self.notifyGameNodeChangedSignal is not None: self.notifyGameNodeChangedSignal.emit(gameNode, (attr, oldAttrValue)) def moveVariant(self, parentNode : chess.pgn.GameNode, nodeID : int, promoteItem : Optional[bool]) -> None: assert parentNode in self.gameNodeList and nodeID is not None and nodeID > 0 gameNode = parentNode.variations[nodeID] assert gameNode in self.gameVariantNodeList oldIndex = self.gameVariantNodeList.index(gameNode) item = self.gameVariantItemList[oldIndex] parentItem = item.parent() if promoteItem is None: parentItem.removeChild(item) self.gameVariantItemList.pop(oldIndex) self.gameVariantNodeList.pop(oldIndex) self.setCurrentItem(parentItem) return itemID = parentItem.indexOfChild(item) if promoteItem: assert itemID > 0 itemID2 = itemID - 1 else: assert itemID < len(parentNode.variations) - 2 itemID2 = itemID + 1 childItem = parentItem.takeChild(itemID) parentItem.insertChild(itemID2, childItem) self.setCurrentItem(childItem) return def _takeChildren(self, startingNode : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem, parentNode : Optional[QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem] = None): if parentNode is None: parentNode = startingNode.parent() else: assert startingNode.parent() == parentNode children = list() startNodeIndex = parentNode.indexOfChild(startingNode) for index in range(parentNode.childCount(), startNodeIndex, -1): children.insert(0, parentNode.takeChild(index - 1)) return children index = parentNode.indexOfChild(startingNode) while True: item = parentNode.takeChild(index) if item is None: return children children.append(item) index += 1 def moveVariant2Main(self, parentNode : chess.pgn.GameNode, nodeID : Optional[int]) -> None: assert parentNode in self.gameNodeList deleteItem = nodeID is None if deleteItem: nodeID = 1 else: assert nodeID > 0 gameNode = parentNode.variations[nodeID] assert gameNode in self.gameVariantNodeList oldIndex = self.gameVariantNodeList.index(gameNode) item = self.gameVariantItemList[oldIndex] self.gameVariantItemList.pop(oldIndex) self.gameVariantNodeList.pop(oldIndex) parentItem = item.parent() itemID = parentItem.indexOfChild(item) self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) nodeItemList = self._takeChildren(item.child(0)) variantItem = parentItem.takeChild(itemID) children = parentItem.takeChildren() mainParentItem = parentItem.parent() mainItemList = self._takeChildren(parentItem) mainParentItem.addChildren(nodeItemList) if not deleteItem: variantItem.setText(0,'{} ...'.format(mainItemList[0].text(0))) newIndex = self.gameItemList.index(mainItemList[0]) nodeItemList[0].addChild(variantItem) variantItem.addChildren(mainItemList) self.gameVariantItemList.append(variantItem) self.gameVariantNodeList.append(self.gameNodeList[newIndex]) nodeItemList[0].addChildren(children) self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) return
if __name__ == "__main__": import io, sys from pgnParse import read_game if False: newData = """[Event "matein2"] [Site "problem solved"] [Date "????.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "?"] [Black "?"] [Result "*"] [Comment "1"] [PlyCount "0"] [FEN "1k6/Rp1K4/1P5P/8/P7/3pP3/1p1P4/8 w - - 0 1"] 1.h7 b1=Q! $20 {[% -4.80]} 2.h8=R# *""" else: import os.path fileDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ps = os.path.join(fileDirectory, 'training', 'openings', 'kingsPawn.pgn') with open(ps, mode = 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as f: newData = pgn = io.StringIO(newData) game = read_game(pgn) app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) tree = GameTreeView() tree.setGame(game) tree.resize(500,400) sys.exit(app.exec())