MzChess =========================== A chess GUI using PyQt6 (or alternatively PyQt5) and `chess`_ modules. Installing ---------- Mz Chess is based on Python 3.7+. .. warning:: If you’re not on Windows, you are responsible for the installation of the binary PyQt-packages, i.e. * *PyQt6*, *PyQt6.QtCharts* (v6.2+) * or *PyQt5*, *PyQt5.QtChart*, and - if available - *PyQt5.QtSvg* (v5.11+), using a `Linux Package Manager`_, `Homebrew`_ or pip3 in advance. Linux users planning a pip3 installation should consult the `manylinux`_ webpage to see whether their distribution is supported. Then, download and install the latest release: :: pip install mzChess Running ---------- An executable is generated and installed in python's *Scripts* directory. So, if this directory is in your search *PATH*, you type simply :: mzChess to start the chess GUI. An extra tool :: analysePosition allows to evaluate the position using the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (`FEN`_) and principles described in the chess programming website (`CPE`_). A little helper :: buildFen allows to build position strings using the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (`FEN`_) and copy them to the clipboard. If you are under Windows or Linux, you can run :: -c "import MzChess; MzChess.postInstall()" to get symbolic links to the tools *mzChess* and *fenBuild* on the desktop (** is the python interpreter used for installation). Under Windows, the *postInstall* function must be executed as administrator. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 gui analysePosition buildFen .. analysePosition buildFen utilities Indices and tables ----------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _chess: .. _Linux Package Manager: .. _Homebrew: .. _manylinux: .. _CPE: .. _FEN: