Source code for qboardviewclass

The use of the chessboard requires a mouse or a mousepad. A piece is moved like that: 
  * :kbd:`mouse-left-press`: begin move of selected piece
  * :kbd:`mouse-left-release`: end move

For training purposes, several helpers are available.

Warn of Danger

The *Warn of Danger* is enabled by the ``Game/Warn of Danger`` action.
It runs as follows:

  #. assign material scores to each attack and reply for every ply
  #. create a combined  list of attacks and replies (cheapest first)
  #. create a list of total scores for every ply

Effect on other pieces like discovered check are not considered. An example:


Obviously, the rook at ``b8`` is danger.

Move Options

The *Move Options* are enabled by the ``Game/Show Move Options`` action.
By pressing the left mouse button at ``b8``, we see:


It seem that ``b8-d8`` is the best move, but it is dubious ...

 .. |WarnOfDanger| image:: warnOfDanger.png
  :width: 600
  :alt: Warn of Danger
 .. |MoveOptions| image:: moveOptions.png
  :width: 600
  :alt: Move Options
from typing import Optional
import sys, os, os.path
import copy

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
import MzChess

if MzChess.useQt5():
 from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
 from PyQt5.QtSvg import QGraphicsSvgItem 
 from PyQt6 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
 from PyQt6.QtSvgWidgets import QGraphicsSvgItem

import chess, chess.pgn
import chessengine
from specialDialogs import ButtonLine
import warnOfDanger

def showStatus(board):
 print('fen = {}'.format(board.fen()))
 for row in range(8):
  for col in range(8):
   chessSquare = chess.square(col, row)
   piece = board.piece_at(chessSquare)
   if piece is not None:
    print(' square = {}, name = {}, symbol = {}'.format(
     chessSquare, chess.square_name(chessSquare), piece.symbol()))
 for n, move in enumerate(board.move_stack):
  print('{}. {}'.format(n, move.uci()))

[docs]class QBoardViewClass(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView): '''The *chessboard* is based on Qt's QGraphicsView. ''' def __init__(self, parent = None) -> None: super(QBoardViewClass, self).__init__(parent) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.FocusPolicy.StrongFocus) self.border = 0 = Game() self.setMouseTracking(True) self.setScene(
[docs] def setup(self, notifyNewGameNodeSignal : Optional[QtCore.pyqtSignal] = None, notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal : Optional[QtCore.pyqtSignal] = None, materialLabel : Optional[QtWidgets.QLabel] = None, squareLabel : Optional[QtWidgets.QLabel] = None, turnFrame : Optional[QtWidgets.QFrame] = None, hintLabel : Optional[QtWidgets.QLabel] = None, flipped : bool = False) -> None: '''Set up of the game editor :param notifyNewGameNodeSignal: signal to be emitted if a move is added :param notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal: signal to be emitted if a game node is selected :param materialLabel: label showing the material budget :param squareLabel: label showing the square under mouse pointer (usually in the status bar) :param turnFrame: frame showing the color of player making the move :param hintLabel: label showing the engine's hints and scores (usually in the status bar) :param flipped: if True, the square *a1* is on top ''' self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal = notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal = notifyNewGameNodeSignal, materialLabel = materialLabel, squareLabel = squareLabel, hintLabel = hintLabel, turnFrame =turnFrame, flipped = flipped) self._configureScene()
[docs] def setHint(self, enableHint : int = 0, enableScore : bool = False, engine : Optional[chessengine.ChessEngine] = None) -> None: '''Controls the usage of the hint label :param enableHint: If True, the *hintLabel* shows the *engine* hint :param enableScore: If True, the *hintLabel* shows the *engine* scores :param engine: engine to be used (required, if *enableHint or enableScore* ''', enableScore, engine = engine)
[docs] def setFlipped(self, enable : bool) -> None: '''Controls the board orientation :param enable: if True, the square *a1* is on top '''
[docs] def setDrawOptions(self, enable : bool) -> None: '''Controls the draw options. Draw options are shown when :kbd:`mouse-left-press` on a piece :param enable: if True, the draw options are enabled '''
[docs] def setWarnOfDanger(self, enable : bool) -> None: '''Controls the warn of danger, i.e. shows attacked pieces :param enable: if True, the warn of danger is enabled '''
def _fen(self) -> str: return
[docs] def set_fen(self, fen : str) -> None: '''Configures the *chessboard* :param fen: position in `Forsyth-Edwards` Notation .. _Forsyth-Edwards: '''
[docs] def setGameNode(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode) -> None: '''Sets the game node displayed by the *chessBoard* :param gameNode : game node to be displayed '''
[docs] def nextMove(self) -> None: '''Go 1 move forward, if possible ''' return
[docs] def previousMove(self) -> None: '''Go 1 move backward, if possible ''' return
def _configureScene(self): self.fitInView(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 8 * Game.pieceSize, 8 * Game.pieceSize), mode = QtCore.Qt.AspectRatioMode.KeepAspectRatio) # self.setScene(
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, ev) -> None: # print('oldSize = {}, size = {}'.format(ev.oldSize(), ev.size())) QtWidgets.QGraphicsView.resizeEvent(self, ev) self._configureScene() if is None:
[docs] @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtGui.QKeyEvent) def keyPressEvent(self, ev): if ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key.Key_Up: newGameNode = else: newGameNode = if newGameNode is not None: self.notifyGameNodeSelectedSignal.emit(newGameNode)
[docs]class Piece(QGraphicsSvgItem): '''Internal class ''' piecesDirectory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), ':/pieces/') colorChars = ('black', 'white') def __init__(self, symbolName : str, size : int, parent = None) -> None: ''' symbol values (according to PGN spec) p,P = white pawn, black ~ n,N = white knight, black ~ b,B = white bishop, black ~ r,R = white rook, black ~ q,Q = white queen, black ~ k,K = white king, black ~ ''' self.llPiece = chess.Piece.from_symbol(symbolName) fileDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) svgPath = os.path.join(fileDirectory , 'pieces', '{}-{}.svg'.format(self.colorChars[self.llPiece.color], chess.piece_name(self.llPiece.piece_type))) super(Piece, self).__init__(svgPath, parent) self.setFlags(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag.ItemIsMovable | QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag.ItemIsSelectable) bwidth = self.boundingRect().width() self.setScale(size/bwidth) # self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setCacheMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.CacheMode.NoCache) self.setZValue(1)
[docs]class Game(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene): '''Internal class ''' whiteSquareBrush = QtGui.QBrush( QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.white, QtCore.Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern) blackSquareBrush = QtGui.QBrush( QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.gray, QtCore.Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern) goodSquareBrush = QtGui.QBrush(, QtCore.Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern) intermediateSquareBrush = QtGui.QBrush( QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.yellow, QtCore.Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern) badSquareBrush = QtGui.QBrush(, QtCore.Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern) requestHint = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) pieceSize = 45 leipzigEncodeDict = { 'P' : 'p', 'N' : 'n', 'B' : 'b', 'R' : 'r', 'Q' : 'q', 'p' : 'o', 'n' : 'm', 'b' : 'v', 'r' : 't', 'q' : 'w' } chessFigures = { '♕' : chess.QUEEN, '♖' : chess.ROOK, '♗' : chess.BISHOP, '♘' : chess.KNIGHT} chessFiguresDescription = { '♕' : 'Queen', '♖' : 'Rook', '♗' : 'Bishop', '♘' : 'Knight'} encodePiece = lambda piece_type, color : Game.leipzigEncodeDict[chess.Piece(piece_type, color).symbol()] def __init__(self, parent = None) -> None: super(Game, self).__init__(parent) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.flushHint) self.requestHint.connect(self.hintRequested) self.hintDelay = 100 self.promotePawn = ButtonLine(self.chessFigures, hintDict = self.chessFiguresDescription, title = 'Promotion', pointSize = 30) self.gameNode = chess.pgn.Game() self.boardElementGroup = None self.drawOptionsGroup = list() self.boardPieces = list() self.flipped = False self.engine = None self.hint = False self.score = False self.drawOptions = False self.warnOfDanger = False self.materialLabel = None self.squareLabel = None self.turnFrame = None self.hintLabel = None def needHint(self): board = self.gameNode.board() return self.hint & (int(not board.turn) + 1) > 0 def setup(self, notifyNewGameNodeSignal : Optional[QtCore.pyqtSignal] = None, materialLabel : Optional[QtWidgets.QLabel] = None, squareLabel : Optional[QtWidgets.QLabel] = None, turnFrame : Optional[QtWidgets.QFrame] = None, hintLabel : Optional[QtWidgets.QLabel] = None, flipped : bool = False, gameNode : Optional[chess.pgn.GameNode]= None) -> None: self.notifyNewGameNodeSignal = notifyNewGameNodeSignal self.materialLabel = materialLabel self.squareLabel = squareLabel self.turnFrame = turnFrame self.hintLabel = hintLabel if gameNode is not None: self.gameNode = gameNode self.boardElementGroup = None self.boardPieces = list() self.flipped = flipped board = self.gameNode.board() self.showMaterial(board) self.showTurn(board) self.pressedPiece = None def boardRect(self) -> QtCore.QRectF: return QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 8 * self.pieceSize, 8 * self.pieceSize) def setDrawOptions(self, enable : bool) -> None: self.drawOptions = enable def setWarnOfDanger(self, enable : bool) -> None: if enable != self.warnOfDanger: self.warnOfDanger = enable if enable: self.draw_warnOfDanger() else: self.remove_warnOfDanger() def fen(self): return self.gameNode.board().fen() def setGameNode(self, gameNode : bool) -> None: if gameNode is None: return self.gameNode = gameNode self.draw_board() board = self.gameNode.board() self.showMaterial(board) self.isGameOver = False self.showTurn(board) if self.needHint() or self.score: self.requestHint.emit(self.fen()) self.draw_warnOfDanger() # ------------------------------------------------------- def nextMove(self) -> None: newGameNode = if newGameNode is None: return self.gameNode self.gameNode = newGameNode self.draw_board() board = self.gameNode.board() self.showTurn(board) if self.needHint() or self.score: self.requestHint.emit(self.fen()) self.showMaterial(board) self.showTurn(board) self.draw_warnOfDanger() return newGameNode def previousMove(self) -> None: newGameNode = self.gameNode.parent if newGameNode is None: return self.gameNode self.gameNode = newGameNode self.draw_board() board = self.gameNode.board() self.showTurn(board) if self.needHint() or self.score: self.requestHint.emit(self.fen()) self.showMaterial(board) self.showTurn(board) self.draw_warnOfDanger() return newGameNode # ------------------------------------------------------- def showTurn(self, board : chess.Board) -> None: if self.turnFrame is None: return self.gameIsOver = board.is_game_over() game = border = ' border-color: black; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;' if self.gameIsOver: game.headers['Result'] = board.result() if board.is_checkmate(): self.turnFrame.setStyleSheet('background-color: red;' + border) else: self.turnFrame.setStyleSheet('background-color: yellow;' + border) elif game.headers['Result'] != '*' and self.gameNode.is_mainline() and self.gameNode.is_end(): if game.headers['Result'] == '1/2-1/2': self.turnFrame.setStyleSheet('background-color: yellow;' + border) else: self.turnFrame.setStyleSheet('background-color: red;' + border) elif board.turn: self.turnFrame.setStyleSheet('background-color: white;' + border) else: self.turnFrame.setStyleSheet('background-color: black;') def showMaterial(self, board : chess.Board) -> None: if self.materialLabel is None: return pieceMap = board.piece_map() whiteCountList = 7 * [0] blackCountList = 7 * [0] for piece in list(pieceMap.values()): if piece.color == chess.WHITE: whiteCountList[piece.piece_type] += 1 else: blackCountList[piece.piece_type] += 1 piece_text ='' for piece_type in range(5, 0,-1): delta = whiteCountList[piece_type] - blackCountList[piece_type] if delta == 0: continue if delta > 0: piece_text += delta * Game.encodePiece(piece_type, chess.WHITE) else: piece_text += abs(delta) * Game.encodePiece(piece_type, chess.BLACK) self.materialLabel.setText(piece_text) # ------------------------------------------------------- def draw_board(self, flipped : Optional[bool] = None) -> None: self.clear() elementWidth = self.pieceSize for row in range(8): for col in range(8): rect = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem( row * elementWidth, col * elementWidth, elementWidth, elementWidth) if row % 2 == col % 2: rect.setBrush( self.whiteSquareBrush ) else: rect.setBrush( self.blackSquareBrush ) rect.setCacheMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.CacheMode.NoCache) rect.setZValue(0) self.addItem(rect) if flipped is not None: self.flipped = flipped self.draw_pieces() def draw_pieces(self) -> None: symbolWidth = self.pieceSize for row in range(8): for col in range(8): if self.flipped: chessSquare = 63 - chess.square(col, row) else: chessSquare = chess.square(col, row) piece = self.gameNode.board().piece_at(chessSquare) if piece is not None: # print('draw_pieces: square = {}, name = {}'.format(chessSquare, chess.square_name(chessSquare))) # print('draw_pieces: piece = {}, scenePos = {}'.format(piece.symbol(), self.getScenePos(chessSquare))) bPiece = Piece(piece.symbol(), size = symbolWidth) bPiece.setPos(self.getScenePos(chessSquare)) # bPiece.setScale(symbolWidth/bPiece.boundingRect().width()) self.addItem(bPiece) self.update() def draw_drawOptions(self) -> None: if len(self.legal_targets) == 0 or not self.drawOptions: return elementSize = QtCore.QSizeF(self.pieceSize, self.pieceSize) board = self.gameNode.board() self.drawOptionsGroup = len(self.legal_targets)*[None] for n, chessSquare in enumerate(self.legal_targets): self.drawOptionsGroup[n] = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem( QtCore.QRectF(self.getScenePos(chessSquare), elementSize)) self.drawOptionsGroup[n].setCacheMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.CacheMode.NoCache) if board.is_attacked_by(not board.turn, chessSquare): self.drawOptionsGroup[n].setBrush(self.badSquareBrush) else: self.drawOptionsGroup[n].setBrush(self.goodSquareBrush) self.drawOptionsGroup[n].setZValue(0.8) self.addItem(self.drawOptionsGroup[n]) self.update() def remove_drawOptions(self) -> None: try: for rect in self.drawOptionsGroup: self.removeItem(rect) self.update() except: pass self.drawOptionsGroup = list() def draw_warnOfDanger(self) -> None: if not self.warnOfDanger: return elementSize = QtCore.QSizeF(self.pieceSize, self.pieceSize) square2ScoreDict = warnOfDanger.warnOfDanger(self.gameNode) if square2ScoreDict is None or len(square2ScoreDict) == 0: return self.warnOfDangerGroup = len(square2ScoreDict)*[None] for n, chessSquare in enumerate(square2ScoreDict): score = square2ScoreDict[chessSquare] self.warnOfDangerGroup[n] = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem( QtCore.QRectF(self.getScenePos(chessSquare), elementSize)) self.warnOfDangerGroup[n].setCacheMode(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.CacheMode.NoCache) if score > 0: self.warnOfDangerGroup[n].setBrush(self.badSquareBrush) elif score == 0: self.warnOfDangerGroup[n].setBrush(self.intermediateSquareBrush) else: self.warnOfDangerGroup[n].setBrush(self.goodSquareBrush) self.warnOfDangerGroup[n].setZValue(0.4) self.addItem(self.warnOfDangerGroup[n]) self.update() def remove_warnOfDanger(self) -> None: try: for rect in self.warnOfDangerGroup: self.removeItem(rect) except: pass self.warnOfDangerGroup = list() def getScenePos(self, chessSquare : int, center : bool = False) -> QtCore.QPointF: if chessSquare < 0 or chessSquare > 63: return None if center: delta = self.pieceSize / 2 else: delta = 0 if self.flipped: row = chess.square_rank(chessSquare) col = 7 - chess.square_file(chessSquare) else: row = 7 - chess.square_rank(chessSquare) col = chess.square_file(chessSquare) return QtCore.QPointF(col * self.pieceSize + delta, row * self.pieceSize + delta) # ------------------------------------------------------- def getChessSquareAt(self, scenePos : QtCore.QPointF) -> int: iPos = scenePos/self.pieceSize if self.flipped: id = chess.square(7 - int(iPos.x()), int(iPos.y())) else: id = chess.square(int(iPos.x()), 7 - int(iPos.y())) if id < 0 or id > 63: return None return id # ------------------------------------------------------- def setHint(self, enableHint : int = 0, enableScore : bool = False, engine : Optional[chessengine.ChessEngine] = None) -> None: self.engine = engine if self.engine is not None: self.hint = enableHint else: self.hint = 0 self.score = (self.engine is not None and enableScore) if self.needHint() or self.score: self.hintFen = None self.engine.bestMoveScoreSignal.connect(self.bestMoveScoreAvailable) self.requestHint.emit(self.fen()) else: self.hintLabel.setText('-/-') def setFlipped(self, enable : bool) -> None: self.flipped = enable self.setGameNode(self.gameNode) def hintRequested(self, fen : str) -> None: if not (self.needHint() or self.score): return self.timer.stop() self.timer.start(self.hintDelay+1) def flushHint(self) -> None: fen = self.fen() if self.hintFen != fen and self.engine is not None and self.engine.uciNewGame(fen): self.engine.startPlay() self.hintFen = fen @QtCore.pyqtSlot(chess.Move, str) def bestMoveScoreAvailable(self, move, score): if self.hintLabel is not None: board = self.gameNode.board() if self.hint & (int(not board.turn) + 1) > 0: try: moveString = board.lan(move) except: moveString = '?{}'.format(move.uci()) else: moveString = '-' if self.score: self.hintLabel.setText('{}/{}'.format(moveString, score)) else: self.hintLabel.setText('{}/-'.format(moveString)) # -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, mouseEvent): self.mousePressed = False
# print('==> mouseDoubleClickEvent')
[docs] def eventFilter(self, source, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.GraphicsSceneMouseMove: square = self.getChessSquareAt(event.scenePos()) if square is not None: self.squareLabel.setText(chess.square_name(square)) else: self.squareLabel.setText('') elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Type.GraphicsSceneLeave: self.squareLabel.setText('') return QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene.eventFilter(self, source, event)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent : QtWidgets.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None: self.mousePressed = True self.pressedPiece = None self.remove_warnOfDanger() self.pressedSquareId = self.getChessSquareAt(qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent.scenePos()) if self.pressedSquareId is not None: self.pressedPiece = self.itemAt(self.getScenePos(self.pressedSquareId), QtGui.QTransform()) # print('==> mousePressEvent: scene = {} => square = {}'.format(qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent.scenePos(), chess.square_name(self.pressedSquareId))) if isinstance(self.pressedPiece,QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem): self.pressedPiece = None # empty field hitten board = self.gameNode.board() if not self.gameIsOver: self.pressedSquareId = self.getChessSquareAt(qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent.scenePos()) if self.pressedPiece is not None: self.pressedPiece = self.itemAt(self.getScenePos(self.pressedSquareId), QtGui.QTransform()) self.legal_targets = list() for move in list(board.legal_moves): if move.from_square == self.pressedSquareId: self.legal_targets.append(move.to_square) self.attackedPieceDict = dict() for pieceID in board.attacks(self.pressedSquareId): actPiece = self.itemAt(self.getScenePos(pieceID), QtGui.QTransform()) if not isinstance(actPiece,QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem): self.attackedPieceDict[pieceID] = actPiece self.draw_drawOptions() QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene.mousePressEvent(self, qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent : QtWidgets.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None: # print('==> mouseReleaseEvent: mousePressed = {}, scene = {}'.format(self.mousePressed, qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent.scenePos())) QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene.mouseReleaseEvent(self, qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) if self.pressedPiece is None or not self.mousePressed or self.gameIsOver: if self.pressedPiece is not None: self.pressedPiece.setPos(self.getScenePos(self.pressedSquareId)) return self.remove_drawOptions() releasedSquareId = self.getChessSquareAt(qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent.scenePos()) if releasedSquareId in self.legal_targets: if releasedSquareId in self.attackedPieceDict: self.removeItem(self.attackedPieceDict[releasedSquareId]) else: releasedSquareId = self.pressedSquareId # print('==> mouseReleaseEvent: square = {}'.format(chess.square_name(releasedSquareId))) if releasedSquareId != self.pressedSquareId: oldBoard = self.gameNode.board() if self.pressedPiece.llPiece.piece_type == chess.PAWN and \ ((self.pressedPiece.llPiece.color == chess.WHITE and releasedSquareId > chess.H7) \ or (self.pressedPiece.llPiece.color == chess.BLACK and releasedSquareId < chess.A2)): self.promotePawn.move(qGraphicsSceneMouseEvent.screenPos()) promotedPieceType = self.promotePawn.exec() move = chess.Move(self.pressedSquareId, releasedSquareId, promotion = promotedPieceType) self.removeItem(self.pressedPiece) promotedPiece = chess.Piece(promotedPieceType, self.pressedPiece.llPiece.color) pPiece = Piece(promotedPiece.symbol(), self.pieceSize) pPiece.setPos(self.getScenePos(releasedSquareId)) self.addItem(pPiece) self.update() else: move = chess.Move(self.pressedSquareId, releasedSquareId) if oldBoard.is_castling(move): isWhite = (self.pressedPiece.llPiece.color == chess.WHITE) if (isWhite and self.pressedSquareId != chess.E1) \ or ((not isWhite) and self.pressedSquareId != chess.E8): raise ValueError('UIE: Unexpected castling move') if releasedSquareId > self.pressedSquareId: if isWhite: rookPos = self.getScenePos(chess.H1) rookTargetPos = self.getScenePos(chess.F1) else: rookPos = self.getScenePos(chess.H8) rookTargetPos = self.getScenePos(chess.F8) else: if isWhite: rookPos = self.getScenePos(chess.A1) rookTargetPos = self.getScenePos(chess.D1) else: rookPos = self.getScenePos(chess.A8) rookTargetPos = self.getScenePos(chess.D8) rookPiece = self.itemAt(rookPos, QtGui.QTransform()) if isinstance(rookPiece,QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem): raise ValueError('UIE: QGraphicsRectItem found') rookPiece.setPos(self.getScenePos(releasedSquareId)) rookPiece.setPos(rookTargetPos) elif oldBoard.is_en_passant(move): pawnSquareID = chess.square(chess.square_file(move.to_square), chess.square_rank(move.from_square)) pawnItem = self.itemAt(self.getScenePos(pawnSquareID), QtGui.QTransform()) self.removeItem(pawnItem) print('en passant move detected') self.pressedPiece.setPos(self.getScenePos(releasedSquareId)) self.gameNode = self.gameNode.add_variation(move) board = self.gameNode.board() # showStatus(board) self.showMaterial(board) self.showTurn(board) if self.notifyNewGameNodeSignal is not None: self.notifyNewGameNodeSignal.emit(self.gameNode) if self.needHint() or self.score: self.requestHint.emit(self.fen()) else: self.pressedPiece.setPos(self.getScenePos(releasedSquareId)) self.pressedPiece = None self.draw_warnOfDanger()