'''A new-Parser for Portable Game Notation (`PGN`_) files for `chess.pgn`_ items
.. _chess.pgn: https://pypi.org/project/chess
.. _PGN: https://github.com/fsmosca/PGN-Standard
from typing import Union, Optional, Type, Callable, List, TextIO
import os, os.path
import re
import chess, chess.pgn
import ply.lex
def checkFEN(boardOrFen : Union[chess.Board, str], allowIncompleteBoard : bool = False) -> None:
boardStatusString = [
'White king is missing.',
'Black king is missing.',
'Too many kings.',
'Too many white pawns.',
'Too many black pawns.',
'Pawn on rank (row) 1 or 8.',
'Too many white pieces.',
'Too many black pieces.',
'Bad castling rights.',
'Invalid en passant square.',
'Opposite check.',
'To many pieces giving check.',
'Check impossible.'
errList = list()
if isinstance(boardOrFen, chess.Board):
board =boardOrFen
board = chess.Board()
boardStatus = board.status()
if allowIncompleteBoard:
boardStatus &= ~chess.STATUS_EMPTY
boardStatus &= ~chess.STATUS_NO_WHITE_KING
boardStatus &= ~chess.STATUS_NO_BLACK_KING
if boardStatus != chess.STATUS_VALID:
bss = '{:b}'.format(boardStatus)[::-1]
for err in [boardStatusString[m.start(0)] for m in re.finditer('1', bss)]:
colorString = 'white'
for color in [chess.WHITE, chess.BLACK]:
nPP = chess.popcount(board.occupied_co[color] & board.pawns)
nPP += max(chess.popcount(board.occupied_co[color] & board.queens) - 1, 0)
nPP += max(chess.popcount(board.occupied_co[color] & board.rooks) - 2, 0)
nPP += max(chess.popcount(board.occupied_co[color] & board.bishops) - 2, 0)
nPP += max(chess.popcount(board.occupied_co[color] & board.knights) - 2, 0)
if nPP > 8:
errList.append('Too many promoted {} pieces.'.format(colorString))
colorString = 'black'
if len(errList) > 0:
raise ValueError('\n'.join(errList))
[docs]class PGNLexer(object):
'''A Lexer for Portable Game Notation (PGN) files (see `ply`_)
tracking line number, gameID, position (in game)
:param bufsize: size of the token buffer (min: 4096). The buffer is refilled at bufsize/4
:param debug: run the lexer in debug mode
:param kwargs: other keyword arguments of ply.lex.lex
.. _ply: https://ply.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
states = ( ('comment','exclusive'), ('tag', 'exclusive') )
nagDict = { '?' : 2, '??' : 4, '?!' : 6, '!' : 1, '!!' : 3, '!?' : 5,
'+=' : 14, '=+' : 15, '+/-' : 16, '+-' : 18, '+--' : 20,
'-/+' : 17, '-+' : 19, '--+' : 21, '=' : 10, '~' : 13, 'N' : 146, 'D' : 220}
def __init__(self, bufsize : int = 2147483647, debug : bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
assert bufsize >= 4096
self.bufsize = bufsize
self.lexer = ply.lex.lex(module = self, debug = debug, **kwargs)
self.gameID = 0
self.data = None
self.f = None
[docs] def newGame(self, f : TextIO) -> ply.lex.LexToken:
'''Prepared the lexer to deliver tokens for a game
:param f: file handle opened in text mode
:returns: the first token of the game
if f.tell() == 0 or f is not self.f:
lexer.lineno = 1
lexer.gameID = 0
self.f = f
self.data = self.f.read(self.bufsize).lstrip("\ufeff")
self.gameID += 1
return self.token()
[docs] def endGame(self) -> None:
'Ends running through a new game'
self.data = self.data[self.lexer.lexpos:]
def _loadBuffer(self):
if len(self.data) == self.bufsize and len(self.data) - self.lexer.lexpos < self.bufsize // 4:
self.data += self.f.read(self.bufsize)
self.data = self.data[self.lexer.lexpos:]
def token(self) -> ply.lex.LexToken:
return self.lexer.token()
def dumps(self, tok : Optional[ply.lex.LexToken] = None, notify : Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None) -> None:
msgList = list()
if tok is None:
tok = self.token()
while tok is not None:
if notify is not None:
notify('({}({}): {}/{})'.format(tok.type, tok.value, tok.lineno, tok.lexpos))
msgList.append('({}({}): {}/{})'.format(tok.type, tok.value, tok.lineno, tok.lexpos))
tok = self.token()
return '\n'.join(msgList)
[docs] def endOfGamePattern(self) -> re.Pattern:
'''Returns the compiled *t_ENDOFGAME* pattern
:returns: compiled *t_ENDOFGAME* pattern
return re.compile(self.t_ENDOFGAME)
def _raise_error(self, rootCause : str, t : ply.lex, warn = False) -> None:
if isinstance(t.value, str):
txt = t.value[:20]
txt = repr(t.value)
if warn:
print("LEXER/{}: '{} ...' @ Line: {}, Game {}, Pos: {}".format(rootCause, txt, t.lineno, self.gameID, t.lexpos))
raise SyntaxError("LEXER/{}: '{} ...' @ Line: {}, Game {}, Pos: {}".format(rootCause, txt, t.lineno, self.gameID, t.lexpos))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Completely ignored characters
t_ignore = ' \t\x0c'
t_tag_ignore = ' \t\x0c'
t_comment_ignore = '\x0c'
t_ENDOFGAME = r'(1\-0|0\-1|1/2\-1/2|\*)'
# Newlines
[docs] def t_NEWLINE(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
[docs] def t_tag_NEWLINE(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
t_tag_TAGNAME = r'[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*'
t_LPAREN = r'\('
t_RPAREN = r'\)'
[docs] def t_tag_TAGVALUE(self, t):
t.value = t.value[1:-1]
return t
[docs] def t_SANPLY(self, t):
t.value = t.value.replace('x', '').replace(':', '')
t.value = t.value.replace('+', '').replace('#', '')
if t.value == '@@@@' or t.value == 'Z0':
t.value = '0000'
return t
[docs] def t_LBRACK(self, t):
[docs] def t_tag_RBRACK(self, t):
[docs] def t_MOVENUMBER(self, t):
[docs] def t_NAG(self, t):
if t.value[0] != '$':
if t.value not in self.nagDict:
self._raise_error("Illegal NAG symbol", t, warn = True)
t.value = 0
t.value = self.nagDict[t.value]
t.value = int(t.value[1:])
if t.value >= 140:
self._raise_error("Illegal NAG string", t, warn = True)
t.value = 0
return t
[docs] def t_LBRACE(self, t):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def t_TAGNAME (self, t):
self._raise_error("Illegal tagname", t)
[docs] def t_TAGVALUE(self, t):
self._raise_error("Illegal tagname", t)
[docs] def t_RBRACK(self, t):
self._raise_error("Unexpected ]")
[docs] def t_RBRACE(self, t):
self._raise_error("Unexpected }")
def t_error(self, t):
self._raise_error("Illegal character", t)
def t_tag_error(self, t):
self._raise_error("Illegal tag character", t)
def t_comment_error(self, t):
self._raise_error("Illegal comment character", t)
# ==================================================================
lexer : PGNLexer = PGNLexer()
'''The global instance of the lexer'''
def _checkToken(tok : ply.lex.LexToken, expectedType : str) -> None:
global lexer
if tok is None:
raise SyntaxError('Parser: {} marker missing'.format(expectedType))
elif tok.type != expectedType:
raise SyntaxError('Parser: Unexpected token "{}" = {} ... (expected "{}") @ Line {}, Game {}, Pos {}'.format(
tok.type, str(tok.value)[:10], expectedType, tok.lineno, lexer.gameID, tok.lexpos))
def _skipGameBody() -> None:
global lexer
data = lexer.lexer.lexdata[lexer.lexer.lexpos:]
actPos = 0
if len(data) == 0:
return lexer.lexer.lexpos
endOfGameID = 0
brackID = -1
patternList = list()
matchDict = dict()
for id in range(3):
match = patternList[id].search(data)
if match is not None:
span = match.span()
# print('Setup: {}/{}: {}'.format(id, actPos + span[1], data[actPos + span[0]:actPos + span[1]]))
matchDict[actPos + span[0]] = (id, actPos + span[1])
newBrackPos = data[actPos:].find('[')
if newBrackPos >= 0:
brackPos = actPos + newBrackPos
brackPos = 2147483647
while len(matchDict) > 0:
minPos = sorted(matchDict)[0]
id, endPos = matchDict[minPos]
if brackPos < minPos:
id = brackID
endPos = minPos +1
if id == endOfGameID:
del matchDict[minPos]
idList = [id]
keys = list(matchDict.keys())
for pos in keys:
if pos < endPos:
id, _ = matchDict[pos]
del matchDict[pos]
actPos = endPos
for id in idList:
match = patternList[id].search(data[actPos:])
if match is not None:
span = match.span()
# print('{}/{}: {}'.format(id, actPos + span[1], data[actPos + span[0]:actPos + span[1]]))
matchDict[actPos + span[0]] = (id, actPos + span[1])
newBrackPos = data[actPos:].find('[')
if newBrackPos >= 0:
brackPos = actPos + newBrackPos
brackPos = 2147483647
lexer.lexer.lineno += data[:endPos].count('\n')
lexer.lexer.lexpos += endPos - (id == brackID)
if id == endOfGameID:
return None
if len(matchDict) == 0:
raise SyntaxError("SkipBody: Parsing ended by EOF")
elif id == brackID:
raise SyntaxError("SkipBody: Parsing ended by new header")
raise SyntaxError("SkipBody: Parsing ended inside a comment")
return None
def _readComments(visitor : chess.pgn.BaseVisitor, tok : ply.lex.LexToken) -> ply.lex.LexToken:
global lexer
comment = ''
while tok is not None and tok.type == 'COMMENT':
if len(comment) != 0:
comment += '\n'
comment += tok.value
tok = lexer.token()
return tok
def _read_variants(visitor : chess.pgn.BaseVisitor[chess.pgn.ResultT], board_stack : List[chess.Board], tok : ply.lex.LexToken, semanticError : str) -> ply.lex.LexToken:
global lexer
while tok is not None and tok.type == 'LPAREN':
board = board_stack[-1].copy()
tok = lexer.token()
tok = _readComments(visitor, tok)
tok, semanticError = _read_gameNodes(visitor, board_stack, tok, semanticError)
_checkToken(tok, 'RPAREN')
tok = lexer.token()
return tok, semanticError
def _read_gameNodes(visitor : chess.pgn.BaseVisitor[chess.pgn.ResultT], board_stack : List[chess.Board], tok : ply.lex.LexToken, semanticError : str) -> ply.lex.LexToken:
global lexer
while tok is not None and tok.type == 'SANPLY':
move = board_stack[-1].parse_san(tok.value)
move = chess.Move.null()
if semanticError == '':
semanticError = 'Parser: Improper SAN {} @ Line {}, Game {}, Pos {}'.format(tok.value, tok.lineno, lexer.gameID, tok.lexpos)
visitor.visit_move(board_stack[-1], move)
tok = lexer.token()
while tok is not None and tok.type == 'NAG':
tok = lexer.token()
tok = _readComments(visitor, tok)
if tok is not None and tok.type == 'LPAREN':
tok, semanticError = _read_variants(visitor, board_stack, tok, semanticError)
return tok, semanticError
[docs]def read_game(f : TextIO, Visitor : Type[chess.pgn.BaseVisitor[chess.pgn.ResultT]] = chess.pgn.GameBuilder) -> Optional[chess.pgn.ResultT]:
"""Reads a game from an open handle PGN-file in text mode.
By using text mode, the parser does not need to handle encodings.
The file must be opened using the correct encoding, usually
* 'utf-8-sig': UTF-8 with optional BOM,
* 'ascii': 7-bit ASCII,
* 'iso-8859-1': ISO 8859/1 (Latin 1), rarely used but suggested by PGN standard.
Please note: *read_game* uses a private buffer.
As an extension of the PGN Standard, read_game accepts
* null move extensions of the Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN) (0000|@@@@|Z0)
* NAG symbols for annotations (?|??|?!|!|!!|!?)
* NAG symbols for positions (+=|=+|+/-|+-|+--|-/+|-+|--+|=|~')
* NAG symbols for novelty (N) and display(D)
* Improper end of a game (see below)
The parser is configured by using the Visitor object leading to different *ResultT* nodes
* chess.pgn.GameBuilder delivers a chess.pgn.Game object
* chess.pgn.HeadersBuilder delivers a chess.pgn.Headers object
* chess.pgn.BoardBuilder delivers a chess.Board object
* chess.pgn.SkipVisitor delivers a boolean indicating whether a game could be successfully skipped
The end of a game is determined by either
* the game termination marker (1-0|0-1|1/2-1/2|*),
* the end of file (EOF) occured during parsing,
* or the start of a new header.
The last 2 alternatives are reported as an error, but parsing succeeds.
:param f: file handle opened in text mode
:param Visitor: Visitor object, i.e. chess.pgn.BaseVisitor and one of the derived classes
:returns: the expected *ResultT* object or ``None`` if parsing failed.
global lexer
assert issubclass(Visitor, chess.pgn.BaseVisitor), 'Visitor ({}) must a subclass of chess.pgn.BaseVisitor'.format(type(Visitor))
tok = lexer.newGame(f)
except Exception as error:
raise IOError('Lexer: {}'.format(error))
if tok is None:
return None
visitor = Visitor()
skipping_game = visitor.begin_game() is chess.pgn.SKIP
headers = visitor.begin_headers()
if headers is None:
headers = chess.pgn.Headers()
while tok.type == 'TAGNAME':
tagName = tok.value
tok = lexer.token()
_checkToken(tok, 'TAGVALUE')
visitor.visit_header(tagName, tok.value)
tok = lexer.token()
skipping_game |= visitor.end_headers() is chess.pgn.SKIP
tok = _readComments(visitor, tok)
if skipping_game:
except Exception as error:
return visitor.result()
board_stack = [headers.board()]
tok, semanticError = _read_gameNodes(visitor,board_stack, tok, '')
gameIsOver = board_stack[-1].is_game_over(claim_draw = False)
if gameIsOver:
if board_stack[-1].is_checkmate():
if board_stack[-1].turn:
tok.value = '0-1'
tok.value = '1-0'
tok.value = '1/2-1/2'
if tok is not None and tok.type == 'TAGNAME':
lexer.lexer.lexpos -= 1
elif semanticError != '':
if tok.type == 'ENDOFGAME':
raise SyntaxError(semanticError)
elif tok is not None:
_checkToken(tok, 'ENDOFGAME')
if (not gameIsOver) and headers['Result'] != tok.value:
raise SyntaxError("Parser: game.headers['Result'] ({}) != endOfGame ({})".format(headers['Result'], tok.value))
except Exception as error:
except Exception as error:
return visitor.result()
[docs]def read_board(handle : TextIO) -> Optional[chess.Board]:
'''Convenience function representing *read_game(handle, Visitor = chess.pgn.BoardBuilder)*
:param f: file handle opened in text mode
:returns: a *chess.Board* object or ``None`` if parsing failed.
return read_game(handle, Visitor = chess.pgn.BoardBuilder)
[docs]def skip_game(handle : TextIO) -> bool:
'''Convenience function representing *read_game(handle, Visitor = chess.pgn.SkipVisitor)*
:param f: file handle opened in text mode
:returns: a *bool* indicating whether parsing was successful.
return bool(read_game(handle, Visitor = chess.pgn.SkipVisitor))
# ==================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
from time import time
fileDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PGN Parser: test')
parser.add_argument("pgnFile", help = "PGN-File or FEN (required)")
parser.add_argument("--target", metavar = 'target', default = 'g',
choices=['g', 'game', 'h' ,'headers', 's', 'skip', 'b', 'board', 'l', 'lex', 'f', 'fen'],
help="target of parsing (g - games, h - headers, s - skip every second game, b - board, l - lexical analysis only, f - check FEN)")
parser.add_argument("--encoding", metavar = 'encoding', default = 'u',
choices=['u', 'utf-8', 'i', 'iso-8859-1', 'a', 'ascii'],
help="target of parsing (g - games, h - headers, s - skip every second game, b - board, l - lexical analysis only)")
parser.add_argument("-compare", action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "If True, compare with chess.pgn.read_game")
parser.add_argument("-debug", action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Enable Debugging")
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.pgnFile is not None, 'pgnFile is required'
target = args.target[0]
encoding = args.encoding[0]
if encoding == 'u':
encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
elif encoding == 'i':
encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
elif encoding == 'a':
encoding = 'ascii'
def read_board2(handle : TextIO) -> Optional[chess.Board]:
return chess.pgn.read_game(handle, Visitor = chess.pgn.BoardBuilder)
def runBoard(node, n = 100):
if node is not None:
for i in range(n):
def runNode(readFct : Callable, f : TextIO, gameID : int):
node = readFct(f)
print('node #{}, fct = {} -> {}'.format(gameID, readFct, repr(node)))
except Exception as error:
node = None
print('node #{}: fct = {} failed -> {}'.format(gameID,readFct, error))
return node
def cmpGameNodes(chessNode, newNode):
if isinstance(chessNode, bool) or isinstance(newNode, bool):
context = 'Skipped game: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {}'.format(chessNode, newNode)
assert chessNode == newNode, context
elif isinstance(chessNode, chess.pgn.Headers) or isinstance(newNode, chess.pgn.Headers):
context = 'Headers: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {}'.format(chessNode, newNode)
assert chessNode == newNode, context
elif isinstance(chessNode, chess.Board) or isinstance(newNode, chess.Board):
context = 'Board: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {}'.format(chessNode.fen(), newNode.fen())
assert chessNode.fen() == newNode.fen(), context
if isinstance(chessNode, chess.pgn.Game) and isinstance(newNode, chess.pgn.Game):
context = 'Game Headers: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {}'.format(chessNode.headers, newNode.headers)
assert chessNode.headers == newNode.headers, context
context = 'Move: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {}'.format(repr(chessNode), repr(newNode))
assert chessNode.move.uci() == newNode.move.uci(), context
assert chessNode.comment == newNode.comment, 'Comment: chess.pgn: "{}", new chess = "{}" => {}'.format(chessNode.comment, newNode.comment, context)
assert chessNode.nags == newNode.nags, 'Nags: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {} => {}'.format(sorted(chessNode.nags), sorted(newNode.nags), context)
assert len(chessNode.variations) == len(newNode.variations), 'nVariations: chess.pgn: {}, new chess = {} => {}'.format(len(chessNode.variations), len(newNode.variations), context)
for subNode1, subNode2 in zip(chessNode.variations, newNode.variations):
cmpGameNodes(subNode1, subNode2)
if target == 'f':
pgn = open(args.pgnFile, mode = 'r', encoding = encoding)
print('File: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(args.pgnFile)))
raise IOError("Cannot open file '{}' for reading".format(args.pgnFile))
if target == 'l':
lexer = PGNLexer(bufsize = 4096, debug = args.debug, optimize = False)
tok = lexer.newGame(pgn)
start = time()
lexer.dumps(tok = tok, notify = print)
end = time()
print('PGNLex: {:.1f} msec'.format(1000*(end-start)))
newRead2 = None
oldRead2 = None
if target == 'g':
newRead1 = read_game
oldRead1 = chess.pgn.read_game
elif target == 'h':
newRead1 = read_headers
oldRead1 = chess.pgn.read_headers
elif target == 'b':
newRead1 = read_board
oldRead1 = read_board2
elif target == 's':
newRead1 = read_game
oldRead1 = chess.pgn.read_game
newRead2 = skip_game
oldRead2 = chess.pgn.skip_game
gameList = list()
print('Parse games using new read_game ----------------------------')
gameID = 0
log = list()
node = False
start = time()
while node is not None:
gameID += 1
node = runNode(newRead1, pgn, gameID)
if newRead2 is not None:
runNode(newRead2, pgn, gameID)
end = time()
gameID -= 1
if newRead2 is not None:
gameID *= 2
log.append('new read_game: {} games read, elapsed {:.1f} msec/game'.format(gameID, 1000*(end-start)/max(gameID, 1)))
del gameList[-1]
if args.compare and len(gameList) > 0:
pgnGameList = list()
print('Parse games using chess.pgn.read_game ----------------------------')
gameID = 0
nErrors = 0
node = False
start = time()
while node is not None:
gameID += 1
node = runNode(oldRead1, pgn, gameID)
if oldRead2 is not None:
runNode(oldRead2, pgn, gameID)
end = time()
gameID -= 1
if oldRead2 is not None:
gameID *= 2
log.append('chess read_game: {} games read, elapsed {:.1f} msec/game'.format(gameID - 1, 1000*(end-start)/max(gameID, 1)))
del pgnGameList[-1]
if len(gameList) != len(pgnGameList):
print('len(gameList) = {} != len(pgnGameList) = {}'.format(len(gameList), len(pgnGameList)))
print('Comparing games ----------------------------')
gameID = 0
for node, chessNode in zip(gameList, pgnGameList):
gameID += 1
txt = 'game #{}: {}'.format(gameID, repr(node))
cmpGameNodes(chessNode, node)
print(' {} succeeded'.format(txt))
except AssertionError as msg:
nErrors += 1
print(' {} failed \n -> {}'.format(txt, msg))
print('Comparison failed for {} of {} games --------'.format(nErrors, gameID))