Source code for eco

'''A Wrapper for Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO) (see ``_)
It makes use of `polyglot`_ books to arrange the games.
.. _polyglot:

from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, List, Any
import os, os.path
import glob
import warnings
from enum import IntEnum, unique

import chess, chess.pgn, chess.polyglot

[docs]@unique class TSVType(IntEnum): 'Columns of TSV-files' ECO = 0 OPENING = 1 FEN = 2 MOVES = 3
[docs]class ECODatabase(list): '''A Wrapper class for Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO) :param ecoDirectory: directory of tsv - files :param tsvPattern: a glob pattern describing the files to be loaded. ``None`` -> nothing is loaded ''' keys = ['eco', 'name', 'fen', 'moves'] def __init__(self, ecoDirectory : os.PathLike = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'eco'), tsvPattern : Optional[str] = '*.tsv') -> None: super(ECODatabase, self).__init__() self.ecoDirectory = os.path.abspath(ecoDirectory) if tsvPattern is None or len(tsvPattern) == 0: return for tsvFile in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.ecoDirectory, tsvPattern)): self.loadTSVFile(tsvFile) # print('{} lines read from file {}'.format(len(self), os.path.basename(tsvFile)))
[docs] def loadTSVFile(self, tsvFile : os.PathLike) -> None: '''Adds a *tsvFile* to the database :param tsvFile: tsv - file to be added ''' if not os.path.isabs(tsvFile): tsvFile = os.path.join(self.ecoDirectory, tsvFile) if not os.path.isfile(tsvFile): raise IOError('ECODatabase/loadTSVFile: ECO file {} not found'.format(tsvFile)) with open(tsvFile, mode='r') as f: isFirst = True while True: row = f.readline().strip(' \n').split('\t') if isFirst: if row != self.keys: raise IOError('ECODatabase/loadTSVFile: {} is not a valid ECO file'.format(tsvFile)) isFirst = False continue if len(row) != 4: f.close() return moveList = list() for uciCode in row[3].split(' '): moveList.append(chess.Move.from_uci(uciCode)) self.append((row[0], row[1], row[2], moveList))
def column2IdList(self, key : TSVType) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: resultDict = dict() for id, tpl in enumerate(self): _key = tpl[key] if _key not in resultDict: resultDict[_key] = list() resultDict[_key].append(id) return resultDict def column2Id(self, column : int) -> Dict[str, int]: # standard databases => only fen is unique assert column >= 0 and column < 3 resultDict = dict() for id, tpl in enumerate(self): key = tpl[column] if key in resultDict: warnings.warn('ECODatabase/column2Id: Duplicate key {}'.format(key), RuntimeWarning) resultDict[key] = id return resultDict def fen2Id(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return self.column2Id(2) def column2Count(self, column) -> Dict[str, int]: assert column >= 0 and column < 3 resultDict = dict() for tpl in self: key = tpl[column] if key not in resultDict: resultDict[key] = 0 resultDict[key] += 1 return resultDict @staticmethod def commonLength(listOLists : List[List[Any]]) -> int: n = 0 while True: itemSet = set() for valueList in listOLists: if len(valueList) < n + 1: return n itemSet.add(valueList[n]) if len(itemSet) > 1: return n n += 1 return 0
[docs] def statistics(self, key : TSVType = TSVType.ECO) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[int, List[int]]]]: '''Delivers statistical data. ``key`` one of the 4 columns of a TSV-file, i.e. * *ECO* : eco code * *OPENING* : opening name * *FEN* : Forsyth-Edwards-Notation of the starting position * *MOVES* : move list The values of the returned dictionary are * *idList* : list of entries in the TSV table * *nItems* : len(idlist) * *nCommon* : number of common moves :param key: column of a TSV-file (see above) :returns: return dictionary ''' statisticsDict = dict() for columnValue, idList in self.column2IdList(key).items(): newDict = dict() newDict['idList'] = idList newDict['nItems'] = len(idList) listOfMoveLists = list() for id in idList: listOfMoveLists.append(self[id][3]) newDict['nCommon'] = self.commonLength(listOfMoveLists) statisticsDict[columnValue] = newDict return statisticsDict
@staticmethod def sortGameNode(gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode): if len(gameNode.variations) == 0: return 1 if len(gameNode.variations) == 1: return ECODatabase.sortGameNode(gameNode.variations[0]) + 1 nItems2idList = list() for n in range(len(gameNode.variations)): nItems2idList.append((ECODatabase.sortGameNode(gameNode.variations[n]), n)) nItems2idList = sorted(nItems2idList, reverse = True, key = lambda el : el[0]) newVariations = list() for nItems, id in nItems2idList: newVariations.append(gameNode.variations[id]) gameNode.variations = newVariations return nItems2idList[0][0] + 1 def _createVariation(self, gameNode : chess.pgn.GameNode, nPly : int, idList : List[int], polyglotBook : Optional[chess.polyglot.MemoryMappedReader] = None) -> None: move2idDict = dict() for id in idList: actMoveList = self[id][3] if len(actMoveList) == nPly: gameNode.comment = '{} : {}'.format(self[id][0], self[id][1]) else: actMove = actMoveList[nPly] if actMove not in move2idDict: move2idDict[actMove] = list() move2idDict[actMove].append(id) if polyglotBook is not None: w2mDict = dict() for entry in polyglotBook.find_all(gameNode.board()): if entry.move in move2idDict.keys(): w2mDict[entry.weight] = entry.move moveList = list() for weight in sorted(w2mDict.keys(), reverse = True): moveList.append(w2mDict[weight]) for move in move2idDict.keys(): if move not in moveList: moveList.append(move) else: moveList = move2idDict.keys() for move in moveList: newIdList = move2idDict[move] newGameNode = gameNode.add_variation(move) self._createVariation(newGameNode, nPly+1, newIdList)
[docs] def createGame(self, listOfFirstMoves : List[chess.Move], polyglotBook : Optional[chess.polyglot.MemoryMappedReader] = None) -> chess.pgn.Game: '''Creates a opening game starting with ``listOfFirstMoves``. The opening variants are implemented as variants :param listOfFirstMoves: list of starting moves :param polyglotBook: if present, the moves are sorted with respect to frequency of use :returns: return dictionary ''' title = 'Openings starting with ' gameNode = chess.pgn.Game() for move in listOfFirstMoves: title += ' {}'.format(chess.square_name(move.to_square)) gameNode = gameNode.add_variation(move) game = game.comment = title game.headers['Site'] = 'ECO Tables' game.headers['White'] = 'Niklas Fiekas/White' game.headers['Black'] = 'Niklas Fiekas/Black' nFirst = len(listOfFirstMoves) idList = list() for id, tpl in enumerate(self): actMoves = tpl[3] if len(actMoves) >= nFirst and actMoves[:nFirst] == listOfFirstMoves: idList.append(id) self._createVariation(gameNode, nFirst, idList, polyglotBook) return game
if __name__ == "__main__": def createOpeningGame(opening, moveList): global fileDirectory, eco, polyglotBook game = eco.createGame(moveList, polyglotBook = polyglotBook) newPgnName = os.path.join(fileDirectory, 'training','openings', '{}.pgn'.format(opening)) ECODatabase.sortGameNode(game) # print(game) exporter = chess.pgn.StringExporter(headers=True, variations=True, comments=True) f = open(newPgnName, "w", encoding="utf-8") pgnString = game.accept(exporter) f.write(pgnString) f.close() print('{} bytes written to {}'.format(len(pgnString), newPgnName)) fileDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) bookFile = os.path.join(fileDirectory,'books','elo2400.bin') polyglotBook = chess.polyglot.open_reader(bookFile) eco = ECODatabase() fen2IdDict = eco.fen2Id() statistics = eco.statistics() for ecoCode in sorted(statistics): iDict = statistics[ecoCode] print('{:3} : {:3}, {} items'.format(ecoCode, iDict['nCommon'], iDict['nItems'] )) createOpeningGame('kingsPawn', [chess.Move.from_uci('e2e4'), chess.Move.from_uci('e7e5')]) createOpeningGame('sicilianDefense', [chess.Move.from_uci('e2e4'), chess.Move.from_uci('c7c5')]) createOpeningGame('frenchDefense', [chess.Move.from_uci('e2e4'), chess.Move.from_uci('e7e6')]) createOpeningGame('caroKannDefense', [chess.Move.from_uci('e2e4'), chess.Move.from_uci('c7c6')]) createOpeningGame('pircDefense', [chess.Move.from_uci('e2e4'), chess.Move.from_uci('d7d6')]) createOpeningGame('queensGambit', [chess.Move.from_uci('d2d4'), chess.Move.from_uci('d7d5')]) createOpeningGame('indianDefense', [chess.Move.from_uci('d2d4'), chess.Move.from_uci('g8f6')]) createOpeningGame('englishOpening', [chess.Move.from_uci('c2c4')]) createOpeningGame('retiOpening', [chess.Move.from_uci('g7f6')])